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福建Tongyi exports granular wax

福建Tongyi exports granular wax

  • cname:福建Fully refined granular wax
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  • date:2022-09-20 10:07:14

Tongyi exports granular wax

In the process of modeling or coating, the granular wax products of Tongyi export are in the state of hot melting for a long time, and contact with the air. If the stability is not good, it is easy to oxidize and deteriorate, the color is dark, and even the odor is emitted. In addition, paraffin wax also turns yellow when used in light. Therefore, paraffin wax is required to have good thermal stability, oxidation stability and light stability.

The main factors affecting the stability of paraffin wax are the trace amount of non-hydrocarbon compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In order to improve the stability of paraffin wax, paraffin wax needs to be deeply refined to remove these impurities.




Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

tel1.png  17612473484

Company address: Shuncheng District, Fushun City Oil Factory New Area 

Registered address: Fushun High-tech Industrial Development Zone

The sales department


M/P:13700130240  18641310290 


