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Fully refined paraffin has good compatibility

2020-12-11 00:00:00

Fully refined paraffin is beneficial to filling and reducing the mixing temperature. Machine oil, pine tar replacement products, can be used for all steel radial tire special oil. In tire production, the low paraffin content helps to maintain the laminating viscosity of the compound after it is extruded into layers. It is suitable for natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber, butadiene rubber and their compound formula, which is good for compatibility with it, and has good effect on compression ductility and extrusion processing of rubber. The quality indexes of special waxes, such as specific gravity, viscosity, aromatics content and other items, have a great impact on the physical properties of the compound. The lower the aniline point of oil, the higher the aromatic content of oil. The aromatics content affects the hardness of the compound. The high content of aromatic hydrocarbons can improve the elasticity and toughness of rubber. Flash point is a test of material safety. At present, the problems of special wax are large moisture and uneven viscosity, which bring many unfavorable factors to the production. In the case of rubber, high aromatic hydrocarbon content helps to increase production capacity by improving oil absorption time and speeding up the mixing process.

Of course, there is no perfect ideal special wax. The production plant usually selects the raw materials according to the needs of the users, and focuses on solving the main indicators that the users care about. It is also often possible to offer a range of products for the user to choose from. When PROCESSING RUBBER PRODUCTS RELATED TO DAILY LIFE, THE TOXICITY OF SPECIAL WAX IS A KEY INDICATOR, AND THE MAIN CONCERN IS WORKER SAFETY. Special wax is a softener, which requires that it can have good compatibility and affinity with rubber, in the process of improving rubber processing, can reduce the consumption of mixing power, promote the uniform dispersion of various auxiliary materials, improve the elongation of vulcanized rubber, resilience and other process performance. In a word, softening, plasticizing, viscosifying, reinforcing and anti-aging are its main mechanism of action.

Fully refined paraffin

Amino resin is the primary toxic component, paraffin fine chemical plant coatings with amino resin is a multi-functional group of compounds, rich in (-NH2) functional group of compounds and aldehydes (mainly formaldehyde) condensation, laser heating, resin will decompose formaldehyde and other substances, harmful to health. Thermosetting acrylic resin also has certain damage, acrylic resin health damage: skin touch can cause skin discomfort and rash; Eye contact may cause eye discomfort, tears or blurred vision. Inhalation of the commodity may cause upper respiratory tract effects, cough and discomfort, or unspecified symptoms of discomfort such as disgust, headache, or weakness; Ingestion of this product may cause certain unpleasant symptoms such as disgust, headache or weakness. We should pay attention to the reasonable use of protective wax, do not let themselves be damaged.

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