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One of the main uses of special wax is to make refrigerant oil

2018-03-15 00:00:00

Fully refined paraffin wax due to the particularity of the work, require refrigeration oil should not only have very low pour point, pour point is usually less than 30 ℃, also requires the miscibility between freezing oil and cold media, the chemical stability of the product is wonderful, can life with compressor, the stringent requirements, the current in mineral oil, the only special wax has the ability to reach, So one of the main uses of special wax is to make refrigerant oil. The PRODUCTION OF INK SOLVENT oil special wax special ring structure, can and various resin materials well dissolved, but there is no aromatic toxicity, so special WAX is the ideal solvent to make ink.

The appearance of fully refined paraffin wax is a white solid, and there are bulk and granular products. Its products have higher melting point, less oil content, no adhesion, no sweat, no greasy feeling at room temperature, waterproof, moisture-proof and good electrical insulation. Because of the depth of delicacy, the content of PAHs is low. Good chemical stability and light, heat stability, strong toughness, good plasticity, white color, no mechanical impurities and moisture, no smell. Fully refined paraffin is soluble in: benzene. Ether. Chloroform, carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, turpentine, petroleum, fixed oils.

Oil content refers to the amount of low melting hydrocarbons contained in paraffin. High oil content will affect the color and storage stability of paraffin wax, but also reduce its hardness. Therefore, the oil containing wax extract from the reduced pressure fraction needs to be deoiled by sweating method or solvent method to reduce its oil content. However, most paraffin products need to contain a small amount of oil, which is beneficial to improve the luster and demoulding performance of products. Natural rubber with high unsaturation and extremely polar neoprene require aromatic rubber oil, while ethylene or EPDM with high saturation require paraffin-based rubber oil or naphthenic rubber oil with low aromatic hydrocarbons. From this rubber and rubber oil matching requirements, to improve the quality of rubber products.

The paper immersed in paraffin wax can be prepared with good waterproof performance of various wax paper, can be used in food, medicine and other packaging, metal rust and printing industry; When paraffin is added to cotton yarn, it can make the textile soft, smooth and elastic. Paraffin can also be made detergent, emulsifier, dispersant, plasticizer, grease, etc. Fully refined paraffin wax and semi-refined paraffin wax are widely used in food, oral medicine and some commodities (such as wax paper, crayons, candles, carbon paper) components and packaging materials, baking containers for dressing, fruit preservation, electrical components insulation, improve rubber aging resistance and increase flexibility.

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Fully refined paraffin





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