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Fully refined plate wax has great plasticity

2018-03-20 00:00:00

During the molding or coating process, the fully refined plate wax products are in a hot melting state for a long time and are in contact with the air. If the stability is not good, they are prone to oxidative deterioration, color darkening, and even smell. In addition, the paraffin wax will also turn yellow under light conditions when used. Therefore, paraffin wax is required to have good thermal stability, oxidation stability and light stability. The main factor affecting the stability of paraffin wax is the trace amount of non hydrocarbon compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contained in it. In order to improve the stability of paraffin, it is necessary to deeply refine paraffin to remove these impurities.

Paraffin wax has great plasticity, viscosity and extensibility. With the release and cooling of heat energy, paraffin wax gradually becomes hard, and its volume can be reduced by 10-20%. After solidification, paraffin wax can maintain 40-48 ℃ within 70-90 minutes, which is not available in other thermotherapy. At the same time, the heat transfer to the human body is slow. During wax therapy, the temperature of the skin under the wax generally rises to 40-45 ℃, and the temperature remains high throughout the treatment. The paraffin on the skin cools rapidly to form a solid wax film, which can protect the skin from the later hot paraffin.

More importantly, it will have chemical changes with various spices in essence or catalyze the chemical action of various components, resulting in the change of aroma and the change and instability of color after fragrance addition. The high melting point is applicable to the season with high temperature, and the low melting point is applicable to the season with low temperature. Exposed to the atmosphere for a long time, the paraffin will not change color and deteriorate, but the paraffin sold in the market cannot be 100% normal paraffin, but contains a small amount of naphthenic hydrocarbons, isoparaffins, aromatic hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydrocarbons, trace iron, sulfur, nitrogen and other inorganic impurities, which can make the paraffin have a "paraffin smell".

Paraffin wax is a kind of mineral wax and petroleum wax; It is the flake or needle shaped crystal obtained by solvent refining, solvent dewaxing or wax freezing crystallization, press dewaxing from the lubricating oil distillate obtained from crude oil distillation, and then solvent deoiling and refining. Also called crystalline wax, it is a hydrocarbon mixture with a carbon atom number of about 18~30. The main components are straight chain alkanes (about 80%~95%), a small amount of alkanes with individual branch chains and monocyclic cycloalkanes with long side chains (the total content of the two is less than 20%).

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Fully refined plate wax





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