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What are the characteristics of fully refined plate wax

2018-05-31 00:00:00

What are the characteristics of fully refined plate wax

The main components are straight alkanes and contain a small amount of branched alkanes. The amount of straight-chain alkanes varies from 75% to nearly 100%. Each particular species is made up of about 8-15 alkanes with different carbon numbers. Paraffin is a white group, soluble in gasoline, xylene, ether, benzene, carbon tetrachloride and other non-polar solvents, insoluble in water and methanol and other polar solvents. Microcrystalline wax is mainly composed of hydrocarbon, cycloalkanes and some straight chain hydrocarbons, the molecular weight range is about 500-1000. This is a relatively fine crystal, soluble in non-polar solvents, insoluble in polar agents. There are many kinds of liquid paraffin wax, and its lubrication effect is also different. In the extrusion process, the initial lubrication effect is good, and the thermal stability is also good. But because of phase miscibility, the product when dosage is too much is easy to be sticky. Polyethylene wax refers to low molecular weight polyethylene with a molecular weight of 1500 to 25000 or partially oxidized low molecular weight polyethylene. It is granular, white powder, bulk and milky waxy. It has excellent fluidity, electrical performance and demoulding property. It is a granular white solid. The relative density increases with the melting point. The product has good chemical stability, moderate oil content, good moisture resistance and insulation performance, good plasticity. Semi-refined paraffin wax produced candles with concentrated flame, smokeless and no tears. Used for candles, crayons, wax paper, general telecommunications equipment and short circuit, light industry, chemical raw materials.

Paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons, so it does not have the strict melting point of pure compounds. The so-called melting point of paraffin refers to the temperature at which the cooling curve shows the stagnation period for the first time when the paraffin sample is cooled and melted under specified conditions. All kinds of wax products are required to have good temperature resistance to paraffin wax, that is, at a specific temperature r. No melting or softening deformation. A series of different melting points of paraffin wax are required according to the different conditions of use, the regions and seasons of use and the environment of use. The main factor affecting the melting point of paraffin is the weight of the selected raw material fraction. The melting point of paraffin removed from the heavier fraction is higher.

It is a kind of flake or needle crystal obtained from the lubricating oil fraction obtained by distillation of crude oil by solvent refining, solvent dewaxing or wax freezing crystallization, press dewaxing, and then solvent deoiling and refining. Also known as crystal wax, carbon atom number is about 18 ~ 30 of the hydrocarbon mixture, mainly divided into straight chain alkanes (about 80% ~ 95%), there are a small number of individual branch chain alkanes and long side chain of the single ring cycloalkanes (the total content of both below 20%). The main quality indicators are melting point and oil content, the former means temperature resistance, the latter means purity. Widely among them before the two purposes, mainly used as food and other commodities, such as wax paper, crayons, candles, carbon paper) of components and packing materials, baking container with dressing, cosmetics raw materials, used for fruit preservation, improve rubber insulation aging resistance and increase flexibility, electrical apparatus, precision casting, etc., can also be used to generate synthetic fatty acid oxidation.

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Fully refined plate wax





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