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Do you know the difference between semi-refined paraffin and fully refined paraffin?

2018-06-15 00:00:00

What is the difference between fully refined paraffin wax and protective wax?

Loose paraffin is a solid, translucent and crystalline by-product derived from petroleum refining. It is in a transparent and yellow liquid state after being dissolved. It is also a mixture of straight chain conventional paraffin, branched chain and hydrocarbon of isochain alkanes.

Rubber protection type Wax main composition:

Rubber protective wax is mainly divided into ordinary paraffin wax and microcrystalline wax.

Paraffin wax is commercial paraffin wax made from vacuum distillate oil through solvent dewaxing, deoiling, refining, molding and packaging. Paraffin wax is divided into soap wax, crude wax, semi refined wax and fully refined wax. Each type is divided into multiple brands according to the melting point. The commonly used brands are 54 # and 58 # paraffin wax.

Action mechanism of protective wax:

The rubber and the protective wax form a solid solution, and the protective wax is completely dissolved in the rubber at a higher temperature; At a lower temperature, due to the poor solubility of the protective wax in the rubber, the protective wax is supersaturated in the rubber at this time, so the protective wax continuously migrates from the inside of the rubber to the rubber surface, forming a uniform wax film, which insulates the contact between ozone in the atmosphere and the rubber surface.

When paraffin wax is used as rubber antioxidant, it migrates to the rubber surface and the wax film formed by spraying frost crystallizes into a loose, porous, brittle wax film with less adhesion to rubber. This wax film is easy to fall off from the rubber surface in sheet form, so ozone is easy to penetrate this wax film to react with the double bond of rubber molecules and cause rubber aging.

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Fully refined paraffin





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