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Do you know the factors of fully refined plate wax paraffin therapy?

2018-06-29 00:00:00

Semi-refined paraffin is formed into solid paraffin of plate shape and granular shape by furfural refining, ketobenzene dewaxing and hydrorefining, which is made from oil containing wax of natural crude oil distillate. Fully refined paraffin refers to the product obtained by using oily wax as raw material, deoiling by sweating or solvent, and then by clay or hydrorefining. Golden Investment Energy Xiaobian for you to introduce the difference between semi-refined paraffin and fully refined paraffin.

Factors of fully refined plate wax paraffin therapy

Thermal effect Paraffin has large heat capacity, small thermal conductivity and no heat convection characteristics, and does not contain water. When cooled, it releases a lot of heat energy (melting heat or freezing heat), so it can make human body tissue resistant to high temperature (55-70℃) and durable heat effect, which is superior to other hyperthermia. It is generally believed that after paraffin is applied to the human body, the local temperature will rise quickly by 8-12℃. After a period of time, the temperature drops gradually, but the temperature drops slowly, and it remains at a certain temperature for 60 minutes.

The inherent properties of compressed paraffin are good plasticity and viscosity. During the cooling process, the volume of paraffin decreases gradually, and the treatment comes into close contact with the skin, causing compression and slight squeezing of the tissue. Thus, it promotes the transfer of temperature to the deep tissue, presenting a mechanical compression effect.

Chemical Action The chemical action of paraffin on the body is very small. Experiments have shown that the chemical effect depends on the content of mineral oil in paraffin wax, such as adding chemicals to paraffin wax or oil can be chemical when used for treatment. If radioactive material is added, paraffin wax can be made radioactive.

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Fully refined plate wax





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