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Do you know anything about fully refined paraffin?

2018-09-15 00:00:00

Do you know anything about fully refined paraffin?

Paraffin is a petroleum product which is made from waxed crude oil fraction by dewaxing and deoiling process. The majority of Chinese crude oil is wax crude oil, several kinds of major crude oil contain wax content in 15 ~ 30%, wax resource is very rich. Since the beginning of China's production of paraffin wax in 1950s, with the increase of crude oil production, the output and varieties of paraffin wax have developed rapidly. Paraffin is divided into crude paraffin, semi-refined paraffin, fully refined paraffin, paraffin for food, paraffin for cosmetics, wax for soap, etc. Available for export are mainly high quality varieties of semi-refined paraffin and fully refined paraffin.

The nature of the

Paraffin is mainly composed of normal (straight chain) alkanes above C16, but also contains a small amount of isomeric alkanes and alkanes with long side chains. It is white to pale yellow and solid at room temperature. The average molecular weight is 300 ~ 500, the boiling point is 300 ~ 550℃, and it melts gradually in a certain temperature range when heated. It is easily soluble in organic solvents, mineral oils and most vegetable oils, and its solubility decreases with decreasing temperature. It has good plasticity at a certain temperature. High flash point, ignition point, high resistance, good insulation, sealing and flammability. It has certain light stability and chemical stability.


Semi-refined PARAFFIN WAX IS mainly USED AS CANDLES, CRAYons, wax paper, matches, general telecommunications equipment, rubber products, polishing paste and other chemical raw materials. Fully refined paraffin is suitable for high frequency porcelain, carbon paper, iron pen wax paper, cold cream and other products and precision casting.


The wax from diesel oil fraction to high viscosity lubricating oil fraction is prepared by deoiling and refining.

The main performance indexes to control the quality of paraffin wax are melting point, oil content and stability. Among them, melting point is the most important quality index, is the basis of product brand division, is also the main parameter selection. Semi-refined paraffin and fully refined paraffin have different oil content and refining depth.

The content of this article comes from the Internet, if you have any questions, please contact us!

Fully refined paraffin





Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

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Company address: Shuncheng District, Fushun City Oil Factory New Area 

Registered address: Fushun High-tech Industrial Development Zone

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