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Paraffin permeated tissue must be embedded in paraffin before sectioning!

2018-11-30 00:00:00

Before making paraffin sections, paraffin must be embedded in paraffin before penetrating the tissue, and water and paraffin are not mixed, so the moisture contained in the tissue is removed before embedding. While most tissue fixatives are aqueous solutions, subsequent water flushing also makes them contain a large amount of water, so the first dehydration is generally completed by immersing in progressively increasing concentrations of alcohol. Since alcohol and paraffin do not mix, another solvent of paraffin must be used to replace the alcohol

Oil content refers to the amount of low melting hydrocarbons contained in paraffin. High oil content will affect the color and storage stability of paraffin wax, but also reduce its hardness. Therefore, the oil containing wax extract from the reduced pressure fraction needs to be deoiled by sweating method or solvent method to reduce its oil content. However, most paraffin products need to contain a small amount of oil, which is beneficial to improve the luster and demoulding performance of products.

Paraffin products in the modeling or coating process, long-term hot melt state, and contact with the air, if the stability is not good, it is easy to oxidize metamorphism, color dark, and even odor. In addition, paraffin wax can also turn yellow when used in light conditions. Therefore, paraffin wax is required to have good thermal stability, oxidation stability and light stability.

Fully refined paraffin

Precipitation method: after melting paraffin wax by heating, the precipitation is placed, and then the dirt is removed.

Cleaning method before water frying: ADD the same amount of water into paraffin wax, boil for more than 30 minutes, dissolve the impurities in wax in water and precipitate in the bottom layer of wax, and remove the dirty wax precipitated in the bottom layer of wax after cooling.

Cleaning and filtration method: After paraffin wax is removed from each treatment, sweat and dander should be washed immediately with rushing water. Paraffin wax can be melted through several layers of gauze or fine sieve every 2-5 days. Used paraffin wax, due to long-term deterioration, brittleness increase, affect the compression effect of wax therapy, should add 15-25% new paraffin wax, generally 1-3 months to add once, can be reused no more than 5-7 times. Paraffin for wound ulcers and body cavities was not used repeatedly.

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