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What is the use of fully refined paraffin wax?

2019-09-16 00:00:00

Fully refined paraffin is widely used. After the paper is immersed in paraffin wax, a variety of waxed paper with good waterproof performance can be obtained, which can be used in food, medicine and other packaging, metal rust prevention and printing industry; When wax is added to cotton yarn, the textile can become soft, smooth and elastic. Paraffin can also be used to prepare detergents, emulsifiers, dispersants, plasticizers and oils.

Car wax is divided into polishing wax and polishing wax according to its main function. The main ingredients of household glass wax are beeswax, turpentine, etc., which are mostly white and milky white in appearance and mainly used for surface glass in painting operation. The main domestic polishing waxes consist of waxes, diatomaceous earth, alumina, mineral oils and emulsifiers. The colour is light grey, grey, creamy yellow and tan. It is mainly used for light scratch treatment and varnish. Smooth the film to remove shallow scratches, orange lines and fill in small pinholes.

Car wax brush is mainly divided into two kinds, one is the car oil wax brush, the other is the car wax brush. Currently, wax brushes are mainly used. When choosing a wax brush, most cars focus on whether to buy a new car or not, and they may not choose by brand. Usually, the more wax in a car wax brush, the less damage to the car, and the rider can choose tweezers with more wax.

Fully refined paraffin

Car wax brushes can get very dirty after a while. Owners are advised not to wash with water or use bleach, otherwise the bristles may discolor. When washing, the brush head should be removed and placed in warm water (below 40 degrees Celsius). Soak in neutral detergent for a period of time, then gently wipe, rinse, dry, and not machine washable. It is then dried and a bottle of scorpion wax is purchased, which is then sprayed on the scorpion. Riders can also take their dirty wax brushes to a car beauty shop for cleaning. Usually, they will provide wax washing service.

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