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What does liquid paraffin do?

2019-10-23 00:00:00

Liquid paraffin is a colorless and tasteless mixture obtained from crude oil fractionation. It can be divided into light mineral oil and ordinary mineral oil, and light mineral oil has low specific gravity and viscosity. Fushun paraffin is a colorless transparent oily liquid, which will not show fluorescence in the sun. No smell or taste at room temperature, slightly greasy after heating.

Liquid paraffin (usually called liquid producing wax) is a colorless, tasteless, viscous liquid, mainly the normal paraffin part of petroleum fractions. Liquid paraffin is an important chemical raw material, which can produce a series of chemical products, such as chlorinated paraffin, pesticide emulsifier, fatty alcohol, degradable synthetic detergent, plastic plasticizer, fertilizer additive and cosmetics. Protein concentrate, etc

Because of its low sensitivity and good sealing performance, mineral oil can prevent water from evaporating from the skin. Therefore, skin care products such as baby oils, lotions or creams are often used as smooth moisturizers.

Because of its good oil solubility, it can also be used as makeup remover in makeup remover or makeup remover.

In terms of purity, liquid paraffin is divided into crude paraffin oil and refined paraffin oil. Paraffin oil is considered as a medical carcinogen. The "poisonous rice" that once caused a sensation was a mixture of crude oil or industrial paraffin oil.

Fushun paraffin

Liquid paraffin is a smooth moisturizer in skin care products. Liquid paraffin is also known as mineral oil and white oil. Cosmetic grade white oils can be used as antistatic agents, emollients, solvents, solvents, hydrocarbons that can increase the moisturizing sensation but do not directly improve dry and damaged skin.

There are different opinions about whether mineral oil can harm the skin, but it is certain that impurity can cause allergies and acne, and people who already have injured or sensitive skin should avoid it. Because of its color and properties, it is commonly used in white milk fat medicines or skin care products.

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