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What are the physical properties of Fushun paraffin?

2019-11-25 00:00:00

Fushun paraffin wax, also known as crystalline wax, is usually a white, tasteless waxy solid, melted at 47°C-64°C, with a density of about 0.9g/cm3, soluble in gasoline, carbon disulfide, xylene, ether, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, naphtha and other non-polar solvents, insoluble in water and methanol and other polar solvents.

Melting point

Paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons, so it does not have the strict melting point of pure compounds. The so-called melting point of paraffin refers to the temperature at which the cooling curve of a melted paraffin sample appears for the first time under specified conditions. All kinds of wax products are required to have good temperature resistance to paraffin wax, that is, do not melt or soften deformation at a specific temperature. A series of different melting points of paraffin wax are required according to the different conditions of use, the regions and seasons of use and the environment of use.

The oil content

Oil content refers to the amount of low melting hydrocarbons contained in paraffin. High oil content will affect the color and storage stability of paraffin wax, but also reduce its hardness. Therefore, the oil containing wax extract from the reduced pressure fraction needs to be deoiled by sweating method or solvent method to reduce its oil content. However, most paraffin products need to contain a small amount of oil, which is beneficial to improve the luster and demoulding performance of products.

Fushun paraffin


Paraffin products in the modeling or coating process, long-term hot melt state, and contact with the air, if the stability is not good, it is easy to oxidize metamorphism, color dark, and even odor. In addition, paraffin wax also turns yellow when used in light. Therefore, paraffin wax is required to have good thermal stability, oxidation stability and light stability.

The main factors affecting the stability of paraffin wax are the trace amount of non-hydrocarbon compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In order to improve the stability of paraffin wax, paraffin wax needs to be deeply refined to remove these impurities.

Thermal physical properties

Paraffin has high latent heat of phase transformation, almost no supercooling phenomenon, low vapor pressure during melting, not easy to occur chemical reaction and good chemical stability, after multiple heat absorption and exothermic phase transformation temperature and latent heat change is very small, self-nucleation, no phase separation and corrosion.

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Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

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