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The advantage and application of Fushun paraffin oil in rubber filling oil

2020-02-21 00:00:00

Fushun paraffin oil (rubber filling oil) Product features: Paraffin oil, rubber process oil volatilization of small, high flash point, the ash series high flash point and low volatile oil for rubber products processing characteristics of the volatile matter little better weather resistance and high temperature protection outside the sedan rubber parts, wire and cable insulation sleeve, household electrical fittings, new building materials used in categories such as sealing, Bai Laji oil has excellent performance.

Advantages and uses of paraffin wax oil in rubber filling oil white wax oil (rubber filling oil) Ash oil, rubber process oil volatilization of small, high flash point, the ash series high flash point and low volatile oil for rubber products processing characteristics of the volatile matter little better weather resistance and high temperature protection outside the sedan rubber parts, wire and cable insulation sleeve, household electrical fittings, new building materials used in categories such as sealing, Bai Laji oil has excellent performance.

Fushun paraffin

Wax oil (rubber filling oil) has low aromatics content, which is particularly important in the use of peroxidation vulcanization process. Low aromatics content can reduce the cost of vulcanizing agent, so as to reduce the cost of the low aromatic hydrocarbon content and low volatility of Baike oil is far better than other refining rubber filling oil. Ash oil low aromatic hydrocarbon content and low volatile combination in EPDM rubber car doors and Windows seals, gaskets and cars play a very important position in the use of soft rubber hose, low aromatics content improved the rubber antioxidant degradation function, low volatile help prevent aging shrinkage and improve products bad appearance (e.g., rough, there are air bubbles), These two characteristics are conducive to extending the service life of rubber products.

Paraffin oil (rubber filling oil) is widely used in IR (butyl rubber), EPM(ethylene propylene rubber), EPDM (ethylene propylene rubber), IR (polyisoprene rubber), NR (natural rubber) and some thermoplastic rubber; It is especially used in rubber products with small odor, good initial color, heat resistance and good light function, which is extremely important in the production of household appliances, children's toys and other products in many synthetic rubber industry reference materials, white oil has been widely used in rubber processing formula and has played a very important role.

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Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

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