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Paraffin processing and storage need to pay attention to matters!

2020-08-07 00:00:00

Paraffin takes oily wax as raw material, deoiling by sweating or solvent, and then refined by clay or hydrogenation to get semi-refined paraffin. What are the matters that Fushun paraffin processing needs to pay attention to? Let's take a look.

1. The amount of melted wax should be appropriate, the temperature of melted wax should not be too high, and the wax block should be broken to accelerate the ablation speed before melting wax

2. Semi-refined paraffin wax should be stored in a cool place, not in the sun, the temperature of the storage place should not be too high, to avoid the wax block soft, mutual bonding.

3. All brands of products should be stored separately to avoid misuse.

4. Storage and transportation of paraffin wax should be far away from the source of fire, avoid fire, pay attention to the packaging is not damaged, avoid impurities into.

Paraffin wax is widely used. The paper immersed in paraffin wax can be made with good waterproof function of all kinds of wax paper, can be used in food, medicine and other packaging, metal rust and printing industry; After adding cotton yarn, white wax can make the textile soft, smooth and elastic; Fushun paraffin can also make detergent, emulsifier, dispersant, plasticizer, grease, etc.

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Fushun paraffin


Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

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Company address: Shuncheng District, Fushun City Oil Factory New Area 

Registered address: Fushun High-tech Industrial Development Zone

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