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The low temperature function of fully refined paraffin

2020-11-13 00:00:00

Fully refined paraffin rubber products require different types of rubber oils. This rubber and rubber oil matching requirements, is still a "similar compatibility" principle. Natural rubber with high unsaturation and extremely polar neoprene require aromatic rubber oil, while ethylene or EPDM with high saturation require paraffin-based rubber oil or naphthenic rubber oil with low aromatic hydrocarbons. From the matching requirements of rubber and rubber oil, in order to improve the quality of rubber products, rubber oil series products with specific carbon structure must be adopted. Natural rubber in paraffin fine chemical plant is widely used in industry, agriculture, national defense, transportation, transportation, machinery manufacturing, medicine and health fields and daily life because of its strong elasticity and good insulation, plasticity, water and gas insulation, tensile and wear resistance, etc., such as transportation tires; Industrial transport belt, transmission belt, various sealing ring 'medical gloves, blood transfusion tube; Rubber shoes, raincoats, and warm water bags used in daily life are all made of rubber as the main raw material. Aircraft, artillery, tanks used in national defense, and even rockets, satellites, and spaceships that are advanced in the field of science and technology all need a large number of rubber parts. Widely used, industry, agriculture, national defense, transportation, transportation, machinery manufacturing are needed.

Paraffin fine chemical plant naphthenic oil has excellent low temperature function: high viscosity, low pour point, filling into rubber can greatly enhance the mechanical function and cold resistance of oil filling rubber, in cold winter can also be convenient for storage and transportation operation. Excellent light and heat stability: very low aromatics content, CA value is almost 0, good oxidation resistance and anti-fading function. Lower transpiration loss: Reduced oil and gas density in the operating space, ensuring operator health and production safety. The high flash point and low volatilization of white wax oil provide better weatherability and small volatilization at high temperature for rubber and thermoplastic elastomers. White wax oil has the characteristics of less volatile and high flash point. Low aromatics. This is especially important in the application of peroxidation vulcanization technology. The low aromatics content can reduce the consumption of vulcanizing agent, and then reduce the cost. Bai Laji oil low aromatic hydrocarbon content and low volatile elements is far better than the other no rubber filling oil and improve the oxidation degradation function of rubber and elastomer, low volatile help prevent aging shortened, but also to improve the bad appearance of the finished product (e.g., rough, there are air bubbles), these two properties is helpful to extend using life of rubber products. The content of dimethyl sulfoxide extract is much less than 3%. It does not need to be labeled with carcinogenic tendency. It is harmless to human health and environment.

Fully refined paraffin

Paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons, so it does not have the strict melting point of pure compounds. The so-called melting point of paraffin refers to the temperature at which the cooling curve shows the stagnation period for the first time when the paraffin sample is cooled and melted under specified conditions. All kinds of wax products are required to have good temperature resistance to paraffin wax, that is, at a specific temperature r. No melting or softening deformation. A series of different melting points of paraffin wax are required according to the different conditions of use, the regions and seasons of use and the environment of use. The main factor affecting the melting point of paraffin is the weight of the selected raw material fraction. The melting point of paraffin removed from the heavier fraction is higher.

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