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Protective effect and application of paraffin in rubber products

2021-04-25 00:00:00

Rubber aging is an inevitable change. In the production of rubber products, anti-aging agents are generally selected to control the aging of products, so as to extend the service life of products. Rubber anti-aging agent is divided into physical anti-aging agent and chemical anti-aging agent, physical anti-aging agent is commonly used for paraffin. How does Fushun paraffin play the anti-aging effect in rubber products, and what should we pay attention to?

1. Characteristics and functions of paraffin wax

Paraffin is a white, tasteless waxy solid, paraffin structure, paraffin is a mixture of straight chain alkanes, branched alkanes and ring hydrocarbons. Common paraffin wax in rubber paraffin wax, microcrystalline wax, rubber protective wax. Paraffin is a physical protective agent or softener in rubber, which can improve the aging resistance of rubber and increase the flexibility of rubber.

2. Paraffin protection principle

Paraffin HY17S8J2L in the vulcanization process does not participate in the reaction, is only dissolved in rubber, when the vulcanization after cooling, is in a suoversaturated state, slowly migrated to the vulcanization surface, the formation of a protective film, isolation of oxygen in the air and ozone erosion, so as to play the role of anti-aging.

3. Characteristics required for paraffin film

(1) The protective film of paraffin wax must be dense and uniform, and must have a certain thickness to play a protective role. The protective film is too thin to play a protective role, so the protective film should have a certain thickness, otherwise it is easy to crack or fall off under the action of force, the thickness of the protective film is about 0.5 micron. (2) The protective film must have strong adhesion with rubber to prevent falling off. Adhesion is not only related to paraffin itself, but also to the formulation of the compound. (3) The protective film needs to have a certain stiffness, that is, ductility. The poor ductility of the protective film is easy to crack under the action of force. (4) The protective film must have the corresponding ability to resist high and low temperature.

Fully refined paraffin


4. Use of paraffin

The migration speed of ordinary paraffin in rubber is fast, and the protective film can be formed quickly. The migration rate of microcrystalline wax in rubber is relatively slow, the time of forming protective film is slightly longer, and the protective effect is longer. The migration rate of rubber protective wax in rubber is between the two.

Different kinds of paraffin have different solubility in rubber, ordinary paraffin > rubber protective wax > microcrystalline wax. When the amount of paraffin exceeds its solubility, it will migrate to the rubber surface, but the amount is too much, the protective film is too thick, easy to crack and fall off, but affect the protective effect.

In the selection of paraffin wax according to the use of rubber products temperature range, rubber products processing technology, rubber products service life, reasonable selection of paraffin wax, reasonable arrangement of paraffin use. In order to improve the protective effect of rubber products, it can be used with other anti-aging agents in actual production to improve the protective effect and prolong the service life.

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