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Chemical formula of paraffin, use and main composition of paraffin

2021-06-02 00:00:00

What is paraffin? Paraffin is a common name for a mixture of high and paraffin solids. How to write the chemical formula of paraffin, what is the use of paraffin, and what is the composition of paraffin, let's take a look at it together.

Chemical formula of paraffin: CnH2n+2, where N =20~40.

What Fushun paraffin is made of: Paraffin is a white, slightly smelling waxy solid. It can be obtained from waxy fractions of natural or man-made petroleum by cold pressing or solvent dewaxing, sweating and other methods.

Paraffin is a solid crystalline product refined from petroleum. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons, that is, hydrocarbons of different molecular weights. It is mainly composed of n-alkanes, but also contains some solid isomeric alkanes, cycloalkanes and a small amount of aromatic hydrocarbons. The carbon atom number of commercial paraffin wax is generally 22 ~ 36, the molecular weight range is 360 ~ 540, the boiling point range is 300 ~ 550 degrees Celsius. With the increase of molecular weight, boiling point and melting point of paraffin wax, the n-alkanes in paraffin wax composition decreased while the isomeric alkanes and solid cycloalkanes increased. The chemical composition of paraffin in different crude oils is also different.

Fully refined paraffin

Long yellow paraffin or poorly refined wax still contained trace non-hydrocarbon components. These complex long sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen compounds * although they contained only a small amount, they greatly reduced the stability of the paraffin. Some of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contained in a small amount of aromatic hydrocarbons in paraffin wax are harmful to human health. Therefore, when paraffin wax is used in food industry and medicine, it is necessary to reduce the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to below the prescribed index before it is allowed to be used.

In the laboratory with a mass spectrometer analysis some paraffin, number of carbon atoms in the molecule of the chemical composition of each fraction data show that the smaller fraction of the number of carbon atoms in the molecule is, the corresponding normal alkanes was developed with the increase of number of carbon atoms, isomerization alkane and naphthenic hydrocarbon content increased, the wax of aromatic hydrocarbons is high only in the number of carbon atom fraction. Therefore, the refining conditions are the same. In general commercial paraffins, the content of PAHs in low-grade paraffins is lower than that in high-grade paraffins.

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