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Analysis of properties of fully refined paraffin

2021-12-21 00:00:00

Analysis of properties of fully refined paraffin

Analysis of oil content requirements

Paraffin oil content is an important index to evaluate the quality of paraffin products, wax oil content directly affects the properties of products, such as strength, hardness, toughness, wear, friction coefficient, expansion coefficient, oil spots and so on.

Oil content is an index indicating the separation degree of oil wax. Compared with fully refined paraffin, semi-refined paraffin has lower refining depth and generally higher oil content.

With the adjustment of the production process, the oil content of semi-refined paraffin in each production enterprise is basically 0.7%~0.8%, but the oil content of paraffin is not the less the better. Semi-refined paraffin is mostly used for candles and crayons, etc., without strict control of the oil content index, and the requirements of foreign indicators are mostly broad. So there is little debate about the oil content requirement.

Fully refined paraffin

Color is the main quality index of paraffin wax quality, used to measure the amount of impurities. In recent years, the market has higher and higher requirements on the color of paraffin wax, especially in foreign markets. Therefore, we recommend that the requirement of this index can be appropriately increased, and the standard limit should be raised to no less than +20. Fully refined paraffin should also be analyzed in strict accordance with the indicators.

Light stability is an important index of paraffin wax, refers to paraffin in the action of light gradually changing color metamorphic properties, reflecting the stability of the product to light, is also an important symbol to measure the depth of paraffin refining.

Kinematic viscosity is the fluidity quality index of semi-refined paraffin when melted into liquid. The index uses the reported value to investigate its ability to penetrate the paper during use, the quality of wax film modeling, etc. This metric is also not recommended to change.

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