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What is the difference between semi-refined paraffin and fully refined paraffin?

2022-02-11 00:00:00

What is the difference between semi-refined paraffin and fully refined paraffin?

1. Different functions

Fully refined paraffin refers to the product obtained by using oily wax as raw material, deoiling by sweating or solvent, and then by clay or hydrorefining.

Semi-refined paraffin is not only an important petroleum product, but also an important substance widely used in various industries and closely related to the lives of the masses of people.

2, different characteristics

Semi-refined to plate like white solid. The relative density increases with the melting point. The product has good chemical stability, moderate oil content, good moisture resistance and insulation performance, good plasticity. Semi-refined paraffin wax produced candles with concentrated flame, smokeless and no tears.

Fully refined paraffin wax is also known as refined white wax. The appearance of fully refined paraffin wax is white solid, and there are bulk and granular products. Its products have higher melting point, less oil content, no adhesion, no sweat, no greasy feeling at room temperature, waterproof, moisture-proof and good electrical insulation.

Tongyi refined granular paraffin wax

3. Different applications

Semi-refined PARAFFIN WAX IS USED IN CANDLES, CRAYons, wax paper, general telecommunications equipment and short circuit and light industry, chemical raw materials.

Fully refined paraffin wax is mainly used in high frequency porcelain, carbon paper, decorative sound-absorbing board and other products. Also used in packaging, electronics, textile candle crayon, match manufacturing and other industries.

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