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Fully refined plate wax has low sensitization and good sealing property

2022-03-07 00:00:00

Standard for fully refined plate wax used as a white pigment. Light magnesium oxide (light firing powder) is mainly used as a raw material in the preparation of ceramics, enamels, refractory crucible and refractory bricks. They are also used as finishers, adhesives, coatings, and fillers of paper, accelerators and activators of neoprene and fluoroprene. Mixed with magnesium chloride and other solutions, can be made into magnesium oxide (light burning powder) water. It is used in medicine as an antacid and laxative.

It is used for gastric acid and gastric ulcer disease. Used in the chemical industry as a catalyst and as a raw material for making magnesium salts. Also used in glass, dye meal, phenolic plastics and other manufacturing. Heavy magnesium oxide (light burning powder) is used in the rice milling industry for firing mill and half drum. The construction industry is used to manufacture artificial chemical floor, artificial marble, heat proof board, sound insulation board, plastic industry is used as filling material. It can also be used to produce other magnesium salts.

Paraffin oil, also known as mineral oil, is a colorless, odorless mixture obtained from the fractionation of crude oil. It can be divided into light mineral oil and general mineral oil, and the light mineral oil has a lower specific gravity and viscosity. Mineral oil is often used as a smooth moisturizer in skin care products such as baby oils, lotions and creams due to its low sensitization and good sealing properties, which prevent skin moisture from evaporating. In addition, because it has good oil soluble properties, so it will also appear in makeup remover oil or makeup remover. The data showed that the mineral oil with poor purification and high impurity had certain carcinogenicity.

Solid paraffin is composed of a variety of hydrocarbons, mainly n-alkanes CnHntz, in addition to some solid isomerized alkanes, cycloalkanes and a small amount of aromatic hydrocarbons. The number of carbon atoms in commercial paraffins is generally 22-36, the molecular weight range is 360-540, and the boiling point range is 300-550. C. Pure paraffin is white, odorless and tasteless, while paraffin containing impurities is yellow. Paraffin is insoluble in water and has a very low solubility in alcohols and ketones. It is soluble in carbon tetrachloride, trichloromethane, diethyl ether, benzene, paraffin ether, carbon disulfide, various mineral oils and most vegetable oils.

Full refined stone pulling factory

Paraffin has large heat capacity, small thermal conductivity and no heat convection characteristics, and does not contain water. When it cools, it releases a lot of heat energy (melting heat or freezing heat), so it can make human body tissue resistant to high temperature (55-70℃) and durable heat effect, which is superior to other hyperthermia. It is generally believed that after paraffin is applied to the human body, the local temperature will rise quickly by 8-12℃. After a period of time, the temperature drops gradually, but the temperature drops slowly, and it remains at a certain temperature for 60 minutes.

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Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

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