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What are the differences between Fushun paraffin and ground wax?

2022-04-05 00:00:00

Fushun paraffin is a kind of mineral wax and also a kind of petroleum wax. It is a flake or needle crystal obtained from the lubricating oil fraction obtained by distillation of crude oil by solvent refining, solvent dewaxing or wax freezing crystallization, press dewaxing, and then solvent deoiling, refining and wax paste. Also known as crystal wax, carbon atom number is about 18 ~ 30 of the hydrocarbon mixture, the first group is divided into straight chain alkanes (about 80% ~ 95%), there are a small number of individual branch chain alkanes and long side chain of the single ring cycloalkanes (both calculated content below 20%).

1. Different applications

Paraffin wax, mainly used in the manufacture of matches, fiberboard, canvas, etc. After ADDING POLYOLEFIN ADDITIVE TO PARAFFIN, ITS melting point increases, its adhesion and flexibility increase, and it is widely used in the production of moisture-proof and waterproof wrapping paper, cardboard, surface coating of some textiles and candles. Ground wax is mainly used as a raw material for cold cream cosmetics, and also as a curing agent for hair wax, lipstick and other cosmetics. Can be used as petroleum jelly, lubricating oil, candles, wax paper and other raw materials; Also used in heat insulation, insulation, water insulation, industrial coatings and medical and cosmetic, etc.

2. Different melting points

Paraffin melts at 47°C-64°C, with a density of about 0.9g/cm3, soluble in gasoline, carbon disulfide, xylene, ether, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, naphtha, etc., insoluble in water and methanol, etc. Ground wax melting point 61-78 degrees Celsius, insoluble in water.

Craft candles

3. Different extraction methods

Paraffin is a kind of lamelliform or needle-like crystal obtained from the lubricating oil fraction obtained by distillation of crude oil by solvent refining, solvent dewaxing, or by freezing crystallization in wax, volume pressing and dewaxing, and then by deoiling, supplemented by refining. Ground wax is obtained from the residual wax paste of petroleum purification and dewaxing by decompression distillation, adding propane to depitch, and then using mixed alcohol as solvent through dewaxing, deoiling and decolorization.

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