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What are the main components of Fushun paraffin?

2022-04-06 00:00:00

Fushun paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons extracted from certain distillates of petroleum, shale oil or other bituminous mineral oils as a white or pale yellow translucent solid.

Paraffin wax is amorphous but has a distinct crystal structure. Another artificial paraffin.

Paraffin wax is a kind of petroleum processing products, is a kind of mineral wax, is also a kind of petroleum wax. It is a flake or needle crystal obtained from the lubricating oil fraction obtained by distillation of crude oil by solvent refining, solvent dewaxing or wax freezing crystallization, press dewaxing, and then solvent deoiling, refining and wax paste.

Paraffin wax, also known as crystal wax, is usually a white, tasteless waxy solid, melting at 47°C-64°C, density of about 0.9g/cm3, soluble in gasoline, carbon disulfide, xylene, ether, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride. Pure paraffin is a good insulator, with an electrical resistivity of 1013-1017 ohm · m, higher than most materials except some plastics (especially Teflon). Paraffin is also a good heat storage material. Its specific heat capacity is 2.14 -- 2.9J·g·K, and its melting heat is 200 -- 220J·g.

Use of paraffin oil:

Paraffin oil is a colorless, odorless mixture obtained from the fractionation of crude oil. It is generally divided into crude paraffin oil and refined paraffin oil. Crude paraffin oil is considered to be a "carcinogenic substance" in medicine, before the national sensation of "toxic rice" is mixed with crude that is industrial paraffin oil. Refined paraffin oil is commonly used in skin care products as a smooth moisturizer; But whether it applies to baby skin care products is not clear.

Craft candles

Main components of paraffin:

The molecular formula of the main component of paraffin wax is CnH2n+2, where N =17~35. The main groups are straight-chain alkanes, and a small number of alkanes with individual branch chains and single ring cycloalkanes with long side chains; The main straight-chain alkanes are n-doxane (C22H46) and n-doxoctane (C28H58).

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Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

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