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10/5000  Kunlun 58 fully refined paraffin

10/5000 Kunlun 58 fully refined paraffin

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10/5000  Kunlun 58 fully refined paraffin

The main function of Kunlun No. 58 fully refined paraffin wax in our country is to produce candles. The melting point is mainly adapted to different seasons. The high melting point is suitable for the season with high temperature, and the low melting point is suitable for the season with low temperature. The main difference between fully refined paraffin wax and semi-refined paraffin wax is the amount of oil content. The oil content of fully refined paraffin wax is less than 0.8%, and the oil content of semi-refined paraffin wax is less than 2.0%. The price difference is about 50 yuan/ton, and the candles produced can hardly be seen. Domestic candle factories mainly use semi-refined paraffin wax as raw material, while domestic exports to the international market are mainly fully refined paraffin wax.




Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

tel1.png  17612473484

Company address: Shuncheng District, Fushun City Oil Factory New Area 

Registered address: Fushun High-tech Industrial Development Zone

The sales department


M/P:13700130240  18641310290 


