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Tongyi refined granular paraffin wax

Tongyi refined granular paraffin wax

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  • date:2022-09-20 09:48:05

Tongyi refined granular paraffin wax

Paraffin wax, also known as crystal wax, is usually a white, tasteless waxy solid, melted at 47°C-64°C, with a density of about 0.9g/cm3, soluble in gasoline, carbon disulfide, xylene, ether, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, naphtha and other non-polar solvents, insoluble in water and methanol and other polar solvents. Pure paraffin is a good insulator, with an electrical resistivity of 1013-1017 ohm · m, higher than most materials except some plastics (especially Teflon). Paraffin is also a good heat storage material. Its specific heat capacity is 2.14 -- 2.9J·g·K, and its melting heat is 200 -- 220J·g.

Oil content refers to the amount of low melting hydrocarbons contained in paraffin. High oil content will affect the color and storage stability of paraffin wax, but also reduce its hardness. Therefore, the oil containing wax extract from the reduced pressure fraction needs to be deoiled by sweating method or solvent method to reduce its oil content. However, most paraffin products need to contain a small amount of oil, which is beneficial to improve the luster and demoulding performance of products.




Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

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Company address: Shuncheng District, Fushun City Oil Factory New Area 

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