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山东Price of semi-refined paraffin

山东Price of semi-refined paraffin

  • cname:山东Semi-refined paraffin wax
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  • date:2022-09-19 16:37:50

Price of semi-refined paraffin

Daqing semi-refined paraffin products sold by Liaoning Fushun Tongyi Special paraffin Products Co., LTD are divided into 52#-64#, which is a kind of plate white solid, widely used in various industries and closely related to the life of the masses of people.

Semi-refined applications:

This product is USED in candles, crayons, wax paper, general telecommunications equipment and short circuit, light industry, chemical raw materials.

Points for attention:

1. The amount of melted wax should be appropriate, the temperature of melted wax should not be too high, and the wax block should be broken before melting to speed up the melting speed.

2. Semi-refined paraffin wax should be stored in a cool place, not in the sun, the temperature of the storage place should not be too high, so as not to soften the wax block and bond to each other.

3. Storage and transportation of paraffin wax should be far away from fire sources to avoid fire.




Fushun Chenyuechang New Material Products Co., Ltd.

tel1.png  17612473484

Company address: Shuncheng District, Fushun City Oil Factory New Area 

Registered address: Fushun High-tech Industrial Development Zone

The sales department


M/P:13700130240  18641310290 


